garden of eden

on writing

one thing that i've found super interesting is that no matter how much i've changed through my life - be it from the obnoxious little girl who was into art and drama and theatre, to the edgy cynical teen who spoke to no one but herself, to the near-adult Eden who's picking up the debris and rubble of the former two; the one constant that i have constantly kept in my life was writing. in any form. even that's developed too. i jumped from fanfics, to fiction books, poetry, research papers then to whatever this is. it's always felt good. it's always been me.

i believe that this is something i'll keep doing, and hopefully forever. i know i'm not the best poet or the most prolific or insightful author, but if i have nothing else i know i'll have this. in whatever format i can have it.

getting words out on a page is somewhat freeing. i know i don't have to pretend, to please, to appeal. nor will i be judged, criticised or shunned for what i write. i can say whatever the fuck i want and that's freedom. i don't need to stressfully rush to come up with what to say. i don't need to mull over it for a night to think up the correct response. there is no audience i need to pertain to. it's just me and my thoughts and the page. or well, the input box if we're being literal. it's nice. i wish the real world was more like that.